Saturday 6 March 2021

Prof. Banamali Biswal introduces the theme (Prastavikam) in the National Seminar Of Central Sanskrit University (Former Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan), Raghunath kirti Campus, Devaprayag on The worldly and beyond the world Utility of Panjali's Mahabhashya in today's context (महाभाष्यस्य लौकिकालौकिकोपयोगित्वम्) in the year 2017.

Prof. Banamali Biswal introduces the theme (Prastavikam) in the National Seminar Of Central Sanskrit University (Former Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan), Raghunath kirti Campus, Devaprayag on The worldly and beyond the world Utility of Panjali's Mahabhashya in today's context (महाभाष्यस्य लौकिकालौकिकोपयोगित्वम्) in the year 2017.

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